Measuring Associations Between Sequences and Covariates I

Chapter 6.2.1 Discrepancy Framework—Pseudo R2 and Permutation F-Test

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# assuming you are working within .Rproj environment

# install (if necessary) and load other required packages
source(here("source", "LoadInstallPackages.R"))

# load environment generated in "6-0_ChapterSetup.R"
load(here("data", "R", "6-0_ChapterSetup.RData"))

Share of explained discrepancy

Table 6.2 in Chapter 6.2.1 shows how much of the dicrepancy in the labor market (activity.year.seq) and family (partner.child.year.seq) sequences is explained by the three dummy variables east (living in East vs West Germany), sex (male vs. female), highschool (at least highschool degree: yes vs. no). The dummy variables are stored in the data frames family and activity.

When considering only one variable at a time, {TraMineR}’s dissassoc function is the fastest solution for computing the share of explained discrepancy (pseudo-\(R^2\)). With dissmfacw {TraMineR} also provides the possibility to consider multiple variables at a time.

Table 6.2 includes both a univariable and a mutlivariable analysis of the three variables. As the grouping variables do not explain the discrepancy of the family biographies the multivariable approach is only presented for the labor market sequences.

Family sequence
Activity sequence
Activity sequence
\(R^2\) p-value \(R^2\) p-value \(\Delta R^2\) p-value
Region 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.001 0.00 0.001
Gender 0.01 0.001 0.09 0.001 0.09 0.001
Highschool degree 0.01 0.001 0.07 0.001 0.06 0.001
Total 0.16 0.001

Like in Chapter 6.1 we wrote a function and several lines of code to extract the results from the {TraMineR} functions and to print a nice table using {knitr}’s kable and the {kableExtra} package. You can find the code in the script 6-2_Table_6-2_R2.R stored in

On this page, however, we do not further elaborate on such technicalities and rather focus on briefly showcasing the plain {TraMineR} commands required to obtain the results shown in the table. As you see, this does not require a lot of coding:

# Labor market sequences
dissassoc(, activity$sex)
dissassoc(, activity$east)
dissassoc(, activity$highschool)

dissmfacw( ~ east + sex + highschool,
          data = activity)

# Family sequences
dissassoc(, family$sex)
dissassoc(, family$east)
dissassoc(, family$highschool)

Extracting specifically the information needed for the table requires some additional commands. The following code chunks briefly illustrate the general procedure. We first save and inspect the results from a discrepancy analysis of by gender (activity$sex).

discr_sex <- dissassoc(, activity$sex)
Pseudo ANOVA table:
              SS   df        MSE
Exp     981.5653    1 981.565295
Res   10027.9985 1025   9.783413
Total 11009.5638 1026  10.730569

Test values  (p-values based on 1000 permutation):
                     t0 p.value
Pseudo F   100.32953529   0.001
Pseudo Fbf 101.24714023   0.001
Pseudo R2    0.08915569   0.001
Bartlett    31.59488891   0.001
Levene     172.45072755   0.001

Inconclusive intervals: 
0.00383  <  0.01  <  0.0162
0.03649  <  0.05  <  0.0635 

Discrepancy per level:
         n discrepancy
0      506    7.346404
1      521   12.112702
Total 1027   10.720121

{TraMineR}’s dissassoc produces a lot of output. We save the output in the object discr_sex. A closer inspection of this object with str or names shows that dissassoc stores its results in a list object with seven elements. The information required for Table 6.2 - pseudo-\(R^2\) and the corresponding p-value - is stored in the list element stat.

List of 7
 $ groups            :'data.frame': 3 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ n          : num [1:3] 506 521 1027
  ..$ discrepancy: num [1:3] 7.35 12.11 10.72
 $ anova.table       :'data.frame': 3 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ SS : num [1:3] 982 10028 11010
  ..$ df : num [1:3] 1 1025 1026
  ..$ MSE: num [1:3] 981.57 9.78 10.73
 $ perms             :List of 4
  ..$ R   : num 1000
  ..$ t0  : num [1:5] 100.3295 101.2471 0.0892 31.5949 172.4507
  ..$ t   : num [1:1000, 1:5] 100.33 0.688 1.222 0.589 0.828 ...
  ..$ pval: num [1:5] 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "TraMineRPermut"
 $ stat              :'data.frame': 5 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ t0     : num [1:5] 100.3295 101.2471 0.0892 31.5949 172.4507
  ..$ p.value: num [1:5] 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
 $ weight.permutation: chr "none"
 $ call              : language dissassocweighted(diss = diss, group = group, weights = weights,      R = R, weight.permutation = weight.permutat| __truncated__
 $ R                 : num 1000
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "dissassoc"
[1] "groups"             "anova.table"        "perms"             
[4] "stat"               "weight.permutation" "call"              
[7] "R"                 
                     t0 p.value
Pseudo F   100.32953529   0.001
Pseudo Fbf 101.24714023   0.001
Pseudo R2    0.08915569   0.001
Bartlett    31.59488891   0.001
Levene     172.45072755   0.001

If we want to extract pseudo-\(R^2\), for instance, we can type:

discr_sex$stat[3,1] %>% 
[1] 0.09

The script 6-2_Table_6-2_R2.R illustrates all the steps required to extract, arrange, and format the output from dissassoc and dissmfacw as shown in Table 6.2.

Regression Tree

The regression tree displayed in Figure 6.1 is based on an analysis of labor market sequences with a reduced alphabet distinguishing 5 instead of 8 states. We define the new sequence object by recoding the original sequence object activity.year.seq stored in 6-0_ChapterSetup.RData with {TraMineR}’s seqrecode function. Note that you have to take care of the labels after you defined a new sequence object with seqrecode.

# Inspect the original alphabet
[1] "EDU"      "MIL/CS"   "PT"       "FT"       "SELF"     "PLEAVE"  
# Recode alphabet
activity.year.seq2 <- seqrecode(activity.year.seq,
                                recodes = list("EDU" = "EDU", 
                                               "PT" = "PT",
                                               "FT" = c("FT", "SELF"),
                                               "PLEAVE" = "PLEAVE",
                                               "OTHER" = c("MIL/CS","MARGINAL", "UNEMP")))

# Specify labels for new alphabet
attributes(activity.year.seq2)$labels <- c("education", 
                                           "part-time", "full-time",
                                           "parental leave", "other")

The regression tree shown in Figure 6.1 is based on a regression tree analysis done with {TraMineR}’s seqtree. The function requires to specify a regression like formula (activity.year.seq2 ~ east + sex + highschool) and a dissimilarity matrix (activity.year.om2) telling it which variables should be considered for partitioning a given sequence object. The function offers several opportunities to set cut-off criteria restricting the further growth of the tree. In the example below we restrict the depth of the tree to three (max.depth = 3), i.e. to branches with a maximum of two splits of the starting partition (the original sequence object).

# Compute dissimilarity matrix required as input for regression tree
activity.year.om2 <- seqdist(activity.year.seq2, 
                             method="OM", sm= "CONSTANT")

# Run regression tree analysis
activitytree <- seqtree(activity.year.seq2 ~ east + sex + highschool,
                        data = activity, diss = activity.year.om2,
                        weighted = F, max.depth = 3)

# Print the tree
Dissimilarity tree:
 Parameters: min.size=51.35, max.depth=3, R=1000, pval=0.01 
 Formula: activity.year.seq2 ~ east + sex + highschool 
 Global R2: 0.16905 

 Fitted tree: 

 |-- Root  (n: 1027 disc: 9.9024) 
   |-> sex 0.097106 
             |-- <= 0  (n: 506 disc: 6.2448) 
               |-> highschool 0.14948 
                   |-- <= 0    (n: 307 disc: 4.2088)[(EDU,2)-(FT,20)] * 
                   |-- > 0    (n: 199 disc: 7.0122)[(EDU,7)-(FT,15)] * 
             |-- > 0  (n: 521 disc: 11.559) 
               |-> highschool 0.043057 
                   |-- <= 0    (n: 295 disc: 11.353)[(EDU,2)-(FT,16)-(PLEAVE,3)-(PT,1)] * 
                   |-- > 0    (n: 226 disc: 10.681)[(EDU,8)-(FT,10)-(PLEAVE,1)-(PT,3)] * 

Although, the printed tree provides a lot of information a graphical visualization of the tree is more appealing and insightful. The visualization can be rendered with the function seqtreedisplay and the open source graph visualization software GraphViz. Once you have downloaded and installed GraphViz it can be used by seqtreedisplay. It might be necessary, however, to inform the function where to find GraphViz on your computer (gvpath-argument of seqtreedisplay). In the following code chunk we first define the GraphViz path and then render the graph.

# specify GraphViz directory
graphviz.dir <- "C:/Program Files/GraphViz"

# Plot the results and save the figure
seqtreedisplay(activitytree, type = "d",
               cex.main = 2.5,
               gvpath = graphviz.dir,
               filename = here("figures", "Figure_6-1_Tree.png"))


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