Figure 5-2: the ggseqplot edition

Chapter 5.5 Multichannel sequence analysis

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# assuming you are working within .Rproj environment

# install (if necessary) and load other required packages
source(here("source", "load_libraries.R"))

# load environment generated in "5-0_ChapterSetup.R"
load(here("data", "R", "5-0_ChapterSetup.RData"))

In chapter 5.3, we introduce the so-called multichannel sequence analysis. We are now using the data.frame multidim, which contains both family formation and labor market sequences. Note that individual 1 in one pool of sequences has to correspond to individual 1 in the other pool of sequences. The data come from a sub-sample of the German Family Panel - pairfam. For further information on the study and on how to access the full scientific use file see here.

The original companion page for Chapter 5.5 can be found here. This page only shows how to render Figure 5-2 using ggseqplot::ggesqiplot instead of TraMineR::seqIplot.

Computing dissimilarity matrix and extracting cluster variable

Here we re-use the code shown and commented on the tutorial page for Chapter 5.5. We compute the dissimilarity matrix, run a cluster analysis and generate a variable indicating the cluster membership for each of the persons in our data.

# Compute the joint dissimilarity matrix <- seqdistmc(channels=list(mc.fam.year.seq, mc.act.year.seq),
                       method="OM", indel=1, sm="CONSTANT", 

# Apply PAM clustering + Ward starting point<-hclust(as.dist(, method="ward.D", members=multidim$weight40) <- wcKMedRange(, weights = multidim$weight40, kvals = 2:10,
                                  initialclust =

# Cut tree at cluster==5
mc <-$clustering$cluster5

We opted for a five cluster solution. A variable (cluster) indicating the cluster membership is added to our source data (multidim). Note that we also added another variable indicating the row number of the observations in multidim. We will use this indicator to arrange the cases after merging aggregated information on the clusters in the next code chunk.

# add cluster membership indicator 
multidim <- multidim |>
  mutate(cluster = mc,
         id2 = row_number())

In the following step, we obtain the weighted relative frequencies of each cluster (stored in the variable share), generate a factor variable (mc.factor) labeling the cluster according to these frequencies, and add this information to our multidimdata making sure the sorting order of the cases remains unaffected (by arranging using the row number indicator id2 generated in the previous step).

multidim <- multidim |>
  count(cluster, wt = weight40) |> 
  mutate(share = n/ sum(n)) |>
  arrange(share) |> 
  mutate(mc.factor = glue("Cluster {row_number()}
         mc.factor = factor(mc.factor)) |> 
  select(cluster, mc.factor, share) |> 
  right_join(multidim, by = "cluster") |> 

Multidimensional Scaling

In Figure 2-5 the sequences for each cluster are sorted according to the results of cluster-specific multidimensional scaling. The scaling is using the distance matrix which corresponds to the multidim data frame. That is, the first row of the matrix comprises the pairwise dissimilarities of the first case (=row) in multidim to every other case. We extract the row index of the cases (using the row names of the dissimilarity matrix and store them in the variable idx before we arrange the cases according to the results of the multidimensional scaling. The resulting order of cases is then used to plot the sequences in the desired order.

cmd.idx <- map(levels(multidim$mc.factor),
               ~cmdscale([multidim$mc.factor == .x,
                                   multidim$mc.factor == .x],
                         k = 2) |>
                 as_tibble(rownames = "idx", .name_repair = "unique") |> 
                 arrange(across(-idx)) |> 
                 pull(idx) |>
                 as.numeric()) |> 

Below you can see an extract of the data in their original sorting order and in the sorting order based on the results of the cluster-specific multidimensional scaling. As we did the scaling cluster-wise, the re-arranged data start with the cases of the first cluster. Within this cluster, the rows are sorted according to the MDS results (as can be indirectly seen by looking at id2 which shows the original row number of each case; the order obviously changed).

orig.order <-  multidim |>
  select(id, id2,mc.factor)

new.order <- orig.order[cmd.idx,]

# Original sorting order
# A tibble: 1,027 × 3
         id   id2 mc.factor           
      <dbl> <int> <fct>               
 1   111000     1 "Cluster 5\n(25.3%)"
 2  2931000     2 "Cluster 4\n(22.1%)"
 3  3491000     3 "Cluster 3\n(20.5%)"
 4  3902000     4 "Cluster 5\n(25.3%)"
 5  4814000     5 "Cluster 5\n(25.3%)"
 6  8948000     6 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"  
 7  9917000     7 "Cluster 5\n(25.3%)"
 8 10208000     8 "Cluster 5\n(25.3%)"
 9 10665000     9 "Cluster 3\n(20.5%)"
10 10789000    10 "Cluster 3\n(20.5%)"
# … with 1,017 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
# Sorting order used for the plots
# A tibble: 1,027 × 3
          id   id2 mc.factor         
       <dbl> <int> <fct>             
 1 382069000   398 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 2 357454000   369 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 3 492223000   511 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 4 343252000   354 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 5 636188000   671 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 6 480915000   500 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 7 434807000   454 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 8  96098000   105 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
 9  87939000    98 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
10 281253000   300 "Cluster 1\n(16%)"
# … with 1,017 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Like in the new.order example above we will use cmd.idx in the code for the plot for re-arranging our sequence data.

Composing the plot

Finally, we can start to rebuild Figure 5-2 from the book using {ggseqplot}.

The height of the index plots reflects their prevalence in the sample. This varying size is “enforced” by the use of the force_panelsizes function of the wonderful {ggh4x} library.

In the code below, we first render the index plots for the family trajectories and save them in the object p1. This will the left panel of our final figure. The right panel, p2, displays the labor market trajectories. Both panels are arranged in a joint plot by the “composer of plots”, the {patchwork} library.

# The left panel: Family trajectories
p1 <- ggseqiplot(mc.fam.year.seq[cmd.idx,],
           group = multidim$mc.factor[cmd.idx],
           no.n = T, facet_ncol = 1, strip.position = "left") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = 18:39, guide = guide_axis(check.overlap = TRUE)) +
  labs(title = "Family formation",
       x = "Age",
       y = NULL) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1, title="Family Formation"),
         color = guide_legend(ncol = 1, title="Family Formation")) +
  force_panelsizes(rows = sort(unique(multidim$share))) +
  theme(strip.placement = "outside",
        strip.text.y.left = element_text(angle = 0)) 

# The right panel: Labor market trajectories
p2 <- ggseqiplot(mc.act.year.seq[cmd.idx,],
           group = multidim$mc.factor[cmd.idx],
           no.n = T, facet_ncol = 1, strip.position = "left") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = 18:39, guide = guide_axis(check.overlap = TRUE)) +
  labs(title = "Labor market",
       x = "Age",
       y = NULL) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend(ncol = 1, title="Labor Market"),
         color = guide_legend(ncol = 1, title="Labor Market")) +
  force_panelsizes(rows = sort(unique(multidim$share))) +
  theme(strip.placement = "outside",
        strip.text.y.left = element_blank()) 

# Compose the final plot using {patchwork}
p1 + p2  + 
  plot_layout(guides = 'collect') & 
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        panel.spacing = unit(1, "lines"),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), 
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, size = 16, face = "bold"))


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