Using clusters in a regression framework

Chapter 4.4 Using typologies as dependent and independent variables

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In chapter 4.4, we use clusters as outcomes or predictors in a regression framework. The data come from a sub-sample of the German Family Panel - pairfam. For further information on the study and on how to access the full scientific use file see here.

Preparatory work

We first need to extract a typology from the initial sample. Here we use PAM with results from Ward to initializing the algorithm. We use the ?hclust for hierarchical cluster analysis, with non-squared dissimilarities and using weights.

fam.ward1 <- hclust(as.dist(, 
                    method = "ward.D", 
                    members = family$weight40)

We then use the ?wcKMedRange command for PAM cluster analysis, with weights and the output of the previous ?hclust as initializing points.

fam.pam.ward <- wcKMedRange(, 
                            weights = family$weight40, 
                            kvals = 2:10,
                            initialclust = fam.ward1)

5 clusters are extracted (see previous sections/the relevant chapters in the book for how to make a decision on the number of clusters): we generate a vector with the info on the cluster assignment for each case in the sample


… and attach it to the main data.frame family:


For practical reasons, we re-label clusters from 1 to 5 instead of keeping the medoid identifiers:

                                     "982=1; 790=2; 373=3; 1643=4; 985=5")

… and create labels for the clusters (note that one needs to inspect the clusters visually to do this) and attach them to the vector containing the cluster assignments. We first need to transform the vector into a factor:

fam.pam.ward.lab.5cl <- c("Early parenthood in cohabitation", 
                          "LAT and long-lasting cohabitation without children",
                          "Early marriage with 1 child", 
                          "Long-lasting singleness and childlessness", 
                          "Early marriage with 2+ children")

fam.pam.ward.factor.5cl <- factor(family$fam.pam.ward.5cl, 
                                  levels = c(1,2,3,4,5), 

… and attach it (with labels) to the main data.frame:


For sake of visualization, we also retain a variable with the clusters without labels


Next, we need to store the variables we want to include in the regression models as factors and make sure they are attached to the main data.frame family. For a substantive presentation of these variables see Chapter 4.4 of the book.

family$east.f <- factor(family$east)

family$sex.f <- factor(family$sex)

family$highschool.f <- factor(family$highschool)

family$cluster.nolab.f <- factor(family$cluster.nolab)

We make sure that the main covariate of interest (east) is labelled:

family$east.f <- factor(family$east.f,
                      levels = c(0,1),
                      labels = c("West", "East"))

Clusters as outcomes

We first want to get a cross-tab of the cluster variable with the covariate of interest with a focus on row percentages. We store the results in an object named row

…and print it

   Cell Contents 
|                   Count | 
|             Row Percent | 

family$cluster.nolab     West    East   Total
1                        171     124     295 
                        58.0%   42.0%   12.6%
2                        386      83     469 
                        82.3%   17.7%   20.0%
3                        215      54     269 
                        79.9%   20.1%   11.5%
4                        403      96     499 
                        80.8%   19.2%   21.3%
5                        688     126     814 
                        84.5%   15.5%   34.7%
Total                   1863     483    2346 

We do the same for column percentages, storing the results in an object named col

               prop.c = TRUE)

… and print it

   Cell Contents 
|                   Count | 
|          Column Percent | 

family$cluster.nolab     West    East   Total
1                        171     124     295 
                         9.2%   25.7%        
2                        386      83     469 
                        20.7%   17.2%        
3                        215      54     269 
                        11.5%   11.2%        
4                        403      96     499 
                        21.6%   19.9%        
5                        688     126     814 
                        36.9%   26.1%        
Total                   1863     483    2346 
                        79.4%   20.6%        

We can now estimate a multinomial logistic regression model by using the ?multinom command. Notice that we have to specify the main dataset (see the data option) and where the weights are (see the w option). We store the results in an object named cluster.outcomes

cluster.outcomes <- multinom(cluster.nolab ~ 
                              sex.f + 
                              east.f + 
# weights:  25 (16 variable)
initial  value 3776.173113 
iter  10 value 3487.915432
iter  20 value 3468.061914
final  value 3468.060632 

…and print its content:

multinom(formula = cluster.nolab ~ sex.f + east.f + highschool.f, 
    data = family, weights = family$weight40)

  (Intercept)       sex.f1 east.fEast highschool.f1
2  0.46803617  0.005987762  -1.127118    0.79893243
3  0.03095799  0.305978164  -1.048926    0.08752612
4  0.64924659 -0.665232375  -1.012543    1.06764454
5  1.08750449  0.230441592  -1.324001    0.46341380

Residual Deviance: 6936.121 
AIC: 6968.121 

To facilitate the interpretation of the results, we estimate predicted probabilities for the assignment to each cluster as a function of being born in East or West Germany by using the ?Effect command: we have to specify the covariate for which estimating the predicted probabilities (east.f) and the object where the regression results are stored (here: cluster.outcomes). Also in this case, we store the predictions in an object that we name pred.east:

pred.east <- Effect("east.f", cluster.outcomes)

We can print the linear predictions


east.f effect (probability) for 1
      West       East 
0.09458644 0.25131721 

east.f effect (probability) for 2
     West      East 
0.2090193 0.1799197 

east.f effect (probability) for 3
     West      East 
0.1198294 0.1115356 

east.f effect (probability) for 4
     West      East 
0.1921056 0.1854349 

east.f effect (probability) for 5
     West      East 
0.3844593 0.2717925 

One can store the predictions and the upper and lower confidence intervals values as a data.frame


Clusters as predictors

Here we consider satisfaction with family life (a continuous variable sat1i4 in the family dataset, measured at the end of the observational window covered by the sequences) as dependent variable in a model where clusters are the main predictors. We first generate summary statistics of sat1i4 by cluster by using the ?describeBy command. Note that we have to specify the group, that is the variable by which the summary description has to be displayed - here the cluster variable included in the family dataset. We store the summary in an object called sat.clu

sat.clu<-describeBy(family$sat1i4, group=family$cluster)

…and print it


 Descriptive statistics by group 
group: Early parenthood in cohabitation
   vars   n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
X1    1 292 8.22 1.72      9    8.22 1.48   3  10     7 -1.03
   kurtosis  se
X1     0.53 0.1
group: LAT and long-lasting cohabitation without children
   vars   n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
X1    1 326 8.08 1.81      8    8.08 1.48   2  10     8 -1.26
   kurtosis  se
X1      1.4 0.1
group: Early marriage with 1 child
   vars   n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range skew kurtosis
X1    1 259 8.21 1.89      9    8.21 1.48   2  10     8 -1.4     1.61
X1 0.12
group: Long-lasting singleness and childlessness
   vars   n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
X1    1 272 7.54 2.19      8    7.54 1.48   0  10    10 -1.28
   kurtosis   se
X1     1.49 0.13
group: Early marriage with 2+ children
   vars   n mean   sd median trimmed  mad min max range  skew
X1    1 717 8.37 1.59      9    8.37 1.48   0  10    10 -1.56
   kurtosis   se
X1     3.88 0.06

We can now estimate a linear model for satisfaction with family life by using the ?lm command. Notice that we have to specify the main dataset (see the data option) and where the weights are (see the w option). We store the results in an object named cluster.predictors

cluster.predictors <- lm(sat1i4 ~ 
                           cluster.nolab.f + 
                           sex.f + 
                           highschool.f + 

…and print the results


lm(formula = sat1i4 ~ cluster.nolab.f + sex.f + highschool.f + 
    east.f, data = family, weights = family$weight40)

     (Intercept)  cluster.nolab.f2  cluster.nolab.f3  
         8.33547          -0.34205          -0.16490  
cluster.nolab.f4  cluster.nolab.f5            sex.f1  
        -0.64746           0.06905          -0.08672  
   highschool.f1        east.fEast  
        -0.03143           0.01093  

To arrange the results nicely, we use the ?tidy command and store the predictions in an object called tidy.predictors

tidy.predictors <- tidy(cluster.predictors)

…and print it

# A tibble: 8 × 5
  term             estimate std.error statistic   p.value
  <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 (Intercept)        8.34      0.142    58.8    0        
2 cluster.nolab.f2  -0.342     0.159    -2.15   0.0314   
3 cluster.nolab.f3  -0.165     0.178    -0.924  0.356    
4 cluster.nolab.f4  -0.647     0.158    -4.09   0.0000445
5 cluster.nolab.f5   0.0691    0.146     0.474  0.636    
6 sex.f1            -0.0867    0.0879   -0.986  0.324    
7 highschool.f1     -0.0314    0.0890   -0.353  0.724    
8 east.fEast         0.0109    0.110     0.0995 0.921    


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