Chapter 2.5 Advanced Description
and run
. This will create
in the sub folder
. This file contains the data required to re-produce
some of the results shown below.LoadInstallPackages.R
# assuming you are working within .Rproj environment
# install (if necessary) and load other required packages
source(here("source", "load_libraries.R"))
# load environment generated in "2-0_ChapterSetup.R"
load(here("data", "R", "2-0_ChapterSetup.RData"))
The chapter starts with two tiny sequences that were constructed to illustrate differences between counting the number of transitions and the number of subsequences. The sequence data are constructed with the following code:
<- c("S","LAT","COH","MAR")
seqX <- c("S","LAT","COH","S")
<- seqdef(rbind(seqX,seqY), alphabet = seqX) ex1.seq
The number of transitions can be obtained with the
function, the number of distinct
subsequences is computed with seqsubsn
. Both functions are
part of the {TraMineR}
# Number of transitions
seqX 3
seqY 3
# Number of subsequences
seqX 16
seqY 15
In Table 2.9 we show all distinct subsequences
extracted from Sequence x (seqX
) &
Sequence y (seqY
). The subsequences can be
extracted by using the combn
function. The function
extracts only subsequences of a given length each time it is executed.
In the following loop we specify rev(seq_along(seqX))
extract subsequences of length 4 to 1. The extracted subsequences are
stored as data.frames in the resulting list subseqs
. In the
next step, we put all these subsequences into one data frame using
. Then we remove all duplicates using
and add an empty row for the empty subsequence
\(\lambda\). The resulting dataset can
be nicely printed in the console with
print(seqdef(subseqs), format = "SPS")
# Extract & display all possible subsequences of Sequence x
<- vector(mode = "list", length = length(seqX))
for (i in rev(seq_along(seqX))) {
<-, i)))
<- bind_rows(subseqsX)
subseqsX <- add_row(subseqsX, .before = 1) # add empty sequence lambda
subseqsX <- distinct(subseqsX)
subseqsX <- print(seqdef(subseqsX), format = "SPS") subseqsX
2 (S,1)
3 (LAT,1)
4 (COH,1)
5 (MAR,1)
6 (S,1)-(LAT,1)
7 (S,1)-(COH,1)
8 (S,1)-(MAR,1)
9 (LAT,1)-(COH,1)
10 (LAT,1)-(MAR,1)
11 (COH,1)-(MAR,1)
12 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(COH,1)
13 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(MAR,1)
14 (S,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,1)
15 (LAT,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,1)
16 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,1)
# add "labels" for kable
1,1] <- "$\\lambda$"
subseqsX[colnames(subseqsX) <- "Sequence x"
# Extract & display all possible subsequences of Sequence y
<- vector(mode = "list", length = length(seqY))
for (i in rev(seq_along(seqY))) {
<-, i)))
<- bind_rows(subseqsY)
subseqsY <- add_row(subseqsY, .before = 1) # add empty sequence lambda
subseqsY <- distinct(subseqsY)
subseqsY <- print(seqdef(subseqsY), format = "SPS") subseqsY
2 (S,1)
3 (LAT,1)
4 (COH,1)
5 (S,1)-(LAT,1)
6 (S,1)-(COH,1)
7 (S,2)
8 (LAT,1)-(COH,1)
9 (LAT,1)-(S,1)
10 (COH,1)-(S,1)
11 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(COH,1)
12 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(S,1)
13 (S,1)-(COH,1)-(S,1)
14 (LAT,1)-(COH,1)-(S,1)
15 (S,1)-(LAT,1)-(COH,1)-(S,1)
# add "labels" for kable
1,1] <- "$\\lambda$"
subseqsY[colnames(subseqsY) <- "Sequence y"
Now we are ready to print the extracted subsequences in a nice table.
Note that we also included the empty sequence \(\lambda\) by adding an additional entry
with add_row
for subseqsX
# Table: Subsequences of Sequences x & y
kable(list(subseqsX,subseqsY)) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options =
c("responsive", "hover", "condensed"),
full_width = F)
Normalizing the two sequencing indicators eases the comparison
between sequences. The number of transitions can be normalized by adding
the argument norm = TRUE
when executing
. The normalization of the number of subsequences
is done manually. Following ELzinga`s recommendation we use the \(\log_2\phi\) instead of total number of
subsequences (\(\phi\)) as our starting
point. This number is related to it’s theroetical maximum \(\log_2\phi_{max}\). The maximum number of
subsequences can be extracted from a hypothetical sequence that repeats
the states of the alphabet up to the length of thelongest sequence in
the currently examined data. In our example this sequence is constructed
<- rep(alphabet(ex1.seq),
seqsubsn.max length.out = max(seqlength(ex1.seq)))
[1] "S" "LAT" "COH" "MAR"
The resulting sequence is identical with sequence x. Accordingly, the
normalized value for this sequence should equal 1. The following two
commands produce the normalized scores for our two sequence. The first
command defines the object extracted in the previous step as a sequence
object (seqdef(t(seqsubsn.max))
) and extracts the number of
subsequences with seqsubsn
. The second command computes the
normalized values for our two example sequences according to \(\frac{log_2 \phi - 1}{\log_2\phi_{max} -
# normalized number of transitions
seqtransn(ex1.seq, norm = TRUE)
seqX 1
seqY 1
# normalized number of subsequences (log2)
<- seqsubsn(seqdef(t(seqsubsn.max)))
seqsubsn.max round((log2(seqsubsn(ex1.seq))-1)/
log2(rep(seqsubsn.max,nrow(ex1.seq)))-1),2) (
seqX 1.00
seqY 0.97
The example sequences from the book can be created with the following code:
<- rep(c("S","LAT","COH","MAR"),2)
seqX2 <- rep(c("S","LAT","COH","MAR"),c(2,2,2,2))
<- seqdef(rbind(seqX2,seqY2),
ex2.seq alphabet = c("S","LAT","COH","MAR"))
The normalized longitudinal entropies are computed with:
seqX2 1
seqY2 1
Both sequences have an entropy values of 1, the maximum. They differ, however, in terms of sequencing:
# normalized number of transitions
seqtransn(ex2.seq, norm = TRUE)
seqX2 1.0000000
seqY2 0.4285714
# normalized number of subsequences (log2)
<- rep(alphabet(ex2.seq),
seqsubsn.max length.out = max(seqlength(ex2.seq)))
<- seqsubsn(seqdef(t(seqsubsn.max)))
log2(rep(seqsubsn.max,nrow(ex2.seq)))-1),2) (
seqX2 1.00
seqY2 0.44
For this section we generate an example dataset comprising 12 sequences of length 20:
# Construct set of example sequences
<- matrix(c(rep("S", 20),
data rep("MAR", 20),
c(rep("MAR", 5)), rep("COH", 5), rep("LAT", 5), rep("S", 5),
c(rep("S", 5), rep("LAT", 5), rep("COH", 5), rep("MAR", 5)),
c(rep("S", 3), rep("LAT", 1), rep("COH", 6), rep("MAR", 10)),
c(rep("S", 4), rep("LAT", 4), rep("COH", 6), rep("MAR", 6)),
c(rep("MAR", 6), rep("S", 4), rep("LAT", 4), rep("COH", 6)),
c(rep("S", 10), rep("MAR", 10)),
c(rep("S", 2), rep("LAT", 5), rep("S", 3), rep("COH", 5), rep("MAR", 5)),
c(rep("S", 2), rep("LAT", 5), rep("COH", 5), rep("MAR", 5), rep("S", 3)),
c(rep("S", 2), rep("MAR", 10), rep("COH", 8)),
c(rep("S", 2), rep("MAR", 2), rep("COH", 8), rep("MAR", 8))),
nrow = 12, byrow = TRUE)
<- seqdef(data, alphabet = c("S","LAT","COH","MAR"))
example.seq <- print(example.seq, format = "SPS") example.sps
1 (S,20)
2 (MAR,20)
3 (MAR,5)-(COH,5)-(LAT,5)-(S,5)
4 (S,5)-(LAT,5)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5)
5 (S,3)-(LAT,1)-(COH,6)-(MAR,10)
6 (S,4)-(LAT,4)-(COH,6)-(MAR,6)
7 (MAR,6)-(S,4)-(LAT,4)-(COH,6)
8 (S,10)-(MAR,10)
9 (S,2)-(LAT,5)-(S,3)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5)
10 (S,2)-(LAT,5)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5)-(S,3)
11 (S,2)-(MAR,10)-(COH,8)
12 (S,2)-(MAR,2)-(COH,8)-(MAR,8)
Table 2-10 in the book presents several
unidimensional and composite measures for these sequences. Two of the
more recent indices require to specify some sort of qualitative
hierarchy of states. Whereas the the quality index proposed by Manzoni
and Mooi-Reci (2018) only
allows for dichotomous differentiation (success vs failure) the
precarity index suggested by Ritschard et al. (2018) allows for a more nuanced
differentiation. For the purpose of this example we take a
traditionalist’s perspective and impose the folowing hierarchy of
partnership states \(\text{MAR} >
\text{COH} > \text{LAT} > \text{S}\), i.e. the elements of
the alphabet in reversed order. Accordingly, we specify the
argument of the seqprecarity
function as rev(alphabet(example.seq))
. For the quality
index we only consider the state of marriage as a success.
# Number of transitions
<- seqtransn(example.seq)
transitions <- round(seqtransn(example.seq, norm = TRUE),2)
# Within sequence entropies
<- seqient(example.seq)
# Turbulence
<- seqST(example.seq, norm = TRUE)
# Complexity
<- seqici(example.seq)
#Precarity index
<- seqprecarity(example.seq,
precarity state.order = rev(alphabet(example.seq)))
# Sequence quality index
# considering only Marriage as a success
<- seqindic(example.seq, indic=c("integr"),
quality ipos.args=list(pos.states=c("MAR")),
w = 1)
colnames(quality) <- "Quality" # Variable label for kable
# Print all indices in a joint table (Table 2.10)
.10 <- data.frame(example.sps,
tab2Transitions = as.vector(transitions.norm),
turbulence,Complexity = as.vector(complexity),
Precarity = as.vector(precarity),
kable(tab2.10, digits = 2) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options =
c("responsive", "hover", "condensed"),
full_width = F)
Sequence | Transitions | Entropy | Turbulence | Complexity | Precarity | Quality |
(S,20) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.20 | 0.00 |
(MAR,20) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 |
(MAR,5)-(COH,5)-(LAT,5)-(S,5) | 0.16 | 1.00 | 0.47 | 0.40 | 0.73 | 0.07 |
(S,5)-(LAT,5)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5) | 0.16 | 1.00 | 0.47 | 0.40 | 0.20 | 0.43 |
(S,3)-(LAT,1)-(COH,6)-(MAR,10) | 0.16 | 0.82 | 0.27 | 0.36 | 0.20 | 0.74 |
(S,4)-(LAT,4)-(COH,6)-(MAR,6) | 0.16 | 0.99 | 0.42 | 0.39 | 0.20 | 0.50 |
(MAR,6)-(S,4)-(LAT,4)-(COH,6) | 0.16 | 0.99 | 0.42 | 0.39 | 0.29 | 0.10 |
(S,10)-(MAR,10) | 0.05 | 0.50 | 0.40 | 0.16 | 0.20 | 0.74 |
(S,2)-(LAT,5)-(S,3)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5) | 0.21 | 1.00 | 0.42 | 0.46 | 0.42 | 0.43 |
(S,2)-(LAT,5)-(COH,5)-(MAR,5)-(S,3) | 0.21 | 1.00 | 0.43 | 0.46 | 0.50 | 0.36 |
(S,2)-(MAR,10)-(COH,8) | 0.11 | 0.68 | 0.24 | 0.27 | 0.35 | 0.36 |
(S,2)-(MAR,2)-(COH,8)-(MAR,8) | 0.16 | 0.68 | 0.28 | 0.33 | 0.35 | 0.66 |
We wrote a function (seqquality
) to implement the
sequence quality index proposed by Manzoni and Mooi-Reci (2018) before it was implemented in {TraMineR}
. Other than {TraMineR}
’s seqici
function allows to obtain the quality index for multiple weighting
factors simultaneously or for a time-varying computation of the index
(as demonstrated in Manzoni and Mooi-Reci (2018)). In addition
also allows to compute a generalized version of
the quality index (see below.
We wrapped the seqquality
function in a small R package
which can be downloaded via
Storing the function in a package allows to complement it with some documentation material. You can access the documentation by typing
In the example code below we specify marriage as the state of success
using three different weights (.5,1,2). As marriage is the fourth state
of our alphabet (alphabet(example.seq)
) we have to specify
stqual = c(0,0,0,1)
stqual = c(0,0,0,1),
weight = c(.5,1,2))
# A tibble: 12 × 3
`w=0.5` `w=1` `w=2`
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 1
3 0.136 0.071 0.019
4 0.344 0.429 0.568
5 0.636 0.738 0.866
6 0.407 0.5 0.646
7 0.176 0.1 0.032
8 0.636 0.738 0.866
9 0.344 0.429 0.568
10 0.314 0.357 0.395
11 0.435 0.357 0.225
12 0.586 0.662 0.782
The time-varying version of the quality index for each sequence
position \(i\) can be computed by the
argument time.varying = TRUE
. The resulting variable could
be used for estimating panel regressions (see Manzoni and Mooi-Reci
(2018) for an
application). In addition to showcasing the time.varying
option the following code also demonstrates that multiple states of the
alphabet can be jointly defined as success either by providing their
numeric values. In the example below, we specify cohabitation and
marriage as success.
stqual = c(0,0,1,1),
time.varying = TRUE)
Reshaping the data to long format and some data cleaning allow to visualize how the sequences develop over time. In the example below this is done for a selection of four sequences.
# Preparing the data for ggplot (-> long format)
<- success.tvar %>% mutate(id = row_number(),
Sequence = example.sps) %>%
select(-weight) %>%
pivot_longer(cols =-c("id", "Sequence"),
names_to = "Position",
values_to = "Sequence Quality") %>%
mutate(Position = as.numeric(substring(Position, first = 3)))
# Plot the development of the sequence quality index
%>% filter(id %in% c(5,7,9,10)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Position,
y = `Sequence Quality`,
color = Sequence)) +
geom_line(size=1) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position="bottom") +
We also illustrate how the indices could be used in regression analysis. Note that the aim of this exercise is not to build a good statistical model but to showcase how to work with the index scores obtained in SA.
In the following code we generate a dataset containing the
respondent’S gender (sex
), level of education
), and migration background
) using the pairfam example data rather than
constructed sequences. The data are stored in family
the sequences combining partnership states and fertility have been saved
in the sequence object partner.child.year.seq
<- family %>%
regdata select(sex, highschool, migstatus) %>%
mutate(Complexity = as.numeric(seqici(partner.child.year.seq)),
Turbulence = as.numeric(seqST(partner.child.year.seq, norm = TRUE))) %>%
filter(migstatus != -7) %>% # Exclude missings
mutate(migstatus = as_factor(migstatus))
# Regression analysis with Turbulence and Complexity as DV
<- lm(Turbulence ~ sex + highschool + migstatus, data = regdata)
lm.turbulence <- lm(Complexity ~ sex + highschool + migstatus, data = regdata)
tab_model(lm.turbulence,lm.complexity, = FALSE,
pred.labels = c("Intercept", "Gender: female",
"Education: at least high school",
"Migration background: 1st generation",
"2nd generation"),"stars")
Turbulence | Complexity | |
Predictors | Estimates | Estimates |
Intercept | 0.29 *** | 0.32 *** |
Gender: female | -0.01 ** | -0.01 |
Education: at least high school | 0.04 *** | 0.04 *** |
Migration background: 1st generation | -0.04 *** | -0.04 *** |
2nd generation | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Observations | 1809 | 1809 |
R2 / R2 adjusted | 0.062 / 0.060 | 0.046 / 0.044 |
Finally, the chapter mentions the correlation between turbulence and complexity for the small example data as well as for the pairfam sample. The two correlations can be obtained by
# Correlation in the toy dataset with 12 sequences
C 0.8661277
# Computing the indices for the pairfam data
<- seqici(partner.year.seq)
complexity2 <- seqST(partner.year.seq, norm = TRUE)
# Print the correlation
C 0.894251
The original sequence quality index proposed Manzoni & Mooi-Reci (2018) presented above is constructed using a binary framework that distinguishes only between success and failure. Drawing from the conceptualization of the precarity index, we suggest a generalized version of the sequence quality index that allows for a more nuanced quality hierarchy of states:
}_{i}}}, \quad \text{with} \quad p_i =
i & \text{if } x_i=S \\
0 & \text{otherwise}
\] where \(i\) indicates the
position within the sequence, \(x_i=S\)
denotes a successful state at position \(i\), and \(w\) is a weighting factor simultaneously
affecting the impact size of failures, but also the strength and pace of
recovery due to subsequent successes. Different from Manzoni &
Mooi-Reci (2018) the generalized version adds an additional weighting
factor \(q_{i}\) denoting the quality
of a state at position \(i\). The
function normalizes the quality factor (stqual
) to have
values between 0 and 1. Therefore, \(q_{max}=1\). If no quality vector is
specified (stqual= NULL
), the first state of the alphabet
is coded 0, whereas the last state is coded 1. For the states in-between
each step up the hierarchy increases the value of the vector by \(1/(l(A) - 1)\), with \(l(A)\) indicating the length of the
For illustrative purposes, we again take a traditionalist’s perspective and impose the following rank order: \(S < LAT < COH < MAR\). This translates to a quality vector \(q=(0,\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{3},1)\) for the four states of our alphabet. In the following table we compare the values of the generalized sequence quality index with the binary sequence quality index (in which only MAR is considered as success).
<- seqquality(ex1.seq, stqual = c(0,0,0,1))
original <- seqquality(ex1.seq) generalized
Sequence | Original | Generalized |
(S,5) | 0.00 | 0.00 |
(S,2)-(COH,2)-(MAR,1) | 0.33 | 0.64 |
(S,1)-(LAT,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,2) | 0.60 | 0.78 |
(S,2)-(LAT,1)-(MAR,1)-(LAT,1) | 0.27 | 0.44 |
(S,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,1)-(S,1)-(COH,1) | 0.20 | 0.51 |
(S,1)-(COH,1)-(MAR,1)-(S,2) | 0.20 | 0.29 |
The generalized index allows to obtain more fine-grained results than the original quality index, but requires more analytical choices, i.e. the definition of a state hierarchy which assigns metric weights to each state. The function for the generalized sequence quality index requires further testing and should be considered work in progress.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
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